Real food, made-to-order, with fresh, high quality ingredients, that makes you feel like a million bucks and satisfies your craving. Some people call us crazy. We say anything less would be madness. So, the real question is, what are you going to eat today? Something awesome, if you’re here.
Earn points. Get more food. You don’t have to be a mathemagician. Join our rewards program online or through our app!
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You can bring delicious, fresh favorites like Spicy Chicken, Steak Teriyaki, Yakisoba noodles, trays of fresh, stir-fry veggies, Chicken Eggrolls and highly addictive sauces to your home or office today!

Game changing concept

Your phone will feed you
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Learn how to rock the Wok!



It’s pretty simple. You learn how to cook and serve bowls full of delicious teriyaki at one of our boatloads of locations, and we send you money every two weeks. Pretty dang good deal.
So, come work with fun, super good-looking people, and get your mom to stop yelling at you to get a job. Apply today!

950 S Cherry St. #850, Denver CO 80246
Copyright © Teriyaki Madness
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950 S Cherry St. #850, Denver CO 80246 | Copyright © 2023 Teriyaki Madness